This is for all your fixes..

This blog is for those who want to find out how to fix or find a workaround to the issue at hand, there maybe times where i cant fix the whole program but i can get you a workaround or figure it out without causing more pain and other things

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

well that was easy!!

When dealing with power failure or issues with the PSU and there can be a lot of issues that could run you a lot of money that I just found out could save you a  bit of mine...

If you are looking at issues regarding some loose cables or where to install the  PSU to go check out youtube vids, it might take you a while...

 bur if you are here to check out how to do a test to check out if the PC had power then listen up

Check on the back of the computer for where to plug in the power cable/cord and see if there is a green light

the green light shows you that you have enough power to run your computer and if its lit then you are good 

but if you arent, 

cover the light with your hands and  watch to see if anything is showing up, 

like if  it blinks at all, you have something just not strong enough,
if it is brighter but not much is going on then you have power and some of it but it needs to be stronger

so here's what you need to get it stronger

2.brokern computer
3.power from outlet
4.dust mask

take the hairdryer and plug it into an outlet, then aim the dryer at the back end of the computer where the fan is, and watch out for dust bunnies and watch that colored green light brighten and brighten, and once you are certain it's at its brightest, stop the blowing with the hairdryer and voila!!

you should be back in business within no time...

but that's only if this was your only problem with the computer right now

if you find that this helps and works please share as much as you can

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