Heres some things that they never mention
1, make sure the webcam is pointing at your face, to change that just move the webcam itself
2.make sure your mic works and its turned on, also make sure you can hear what's being recorded by downloading some simple audio recording software like "audacity" and hit record and test out what you hear! make sure the sine waves are showing up
3. you're done, if you're making a call with the computer make sure you have internet... and have a blast..
but wait, while you are having a great call you hear a lot of jumbled and and echoed audio..did you check to see if the webcam built in mic was turned off? sometimes with separate microphones installed you might have forgotten that its still on....that may be a way why a lot of calls sound that way...
to turn it off
1 go into sound settings and click on recording devices and find the webcam name you have and see if its listed in the microphones list and right click and hit disable, I don't really understand why that's even there, I mean its a great idea but the webcam usually sits quite a few feet from you and most microphones you need to be at least 5 inches from it
try doing the call again or load up audaicty and check if this made any important changes...
let me know in the comments below if this helped!!!